Uzm. Dr.


Liv Bona Dea Hospital Bakı
İştirak Etdiyi Kurslar

Elmi dərəcə Ad Soyad: Uzm.Dr. Əkbər Hacıyev

Tibbi bölmə: Patologiya


Hacettepe Universiteti, Hacettepe Universitetinin  Patologiya şöbəsi, Tibb fakültəsi, Ankara, Türkiyə

Naqoya Universiteti, Tibb İnstitutu, Şiş Patologiya  Laboratoriyası, Yaponiya, 2018,

İş Təcrübəsi:

Bona Dea Beynəlxalq Hospital, Bakı, Azərbaycan,  2019- Davam edir

Histopatoloq və Sitopatoloq. Patologiya şöbəsinin müdiri.

Lösante Uşaq və Böyük Xəstəxanası , Ankara, Türkiyə , 2019, 3 Ay Histopatoloq və Sitopatoloq


1. Onurğa Kordunun Clear Cell Ependymoması, Türk Patoloji Cəmiyyətinin İllik Toplantısı, 2015, Bursa, Türkiyə.

2. Kolorektal karsinomalarda şiş yataqlarının sonrakı morfoloji xarakteristikası. 28-ci Avropa Patoloji Cəmiyyəti Konqresi, 2016, Köln, Almaniya.

3. Case Report: Infant ALK Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lemphoma, Türk Patoloji Cəmiyyətinin İllik Toplantısı, 2017, Antalya, Türkiyə.

Elmi İşlər:

Identification of Biopsy Specimens by DNA Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Analysis, 2018.

Not uncommonly, a surgical pathologist faces challenges

regarding interpretation of tissue fragments that morphologically

do not fit to the specimen at hand, known as ‘floaters’. This occurs

as a result of carrying over tissue pieces from one case to another

during specimen grossing and routine technical process in a

pathology laboratory. Also tissue mix-up may pose significant

medical and legal difficulties when mixed tissue contains a

significant lesion or tumor. STR analysis has emerged as the

method of choice for testing to resolve tissue contamination and

mix-up that arise in a pathology laboratory. The aim of this study

is to evaluate the genetic alterations caused by somatic instability

of tumor tissue and the DNA damages caused by formalin on STR


2. The effects of nutrients and gastrointestinal secretions on intestinal integrity of experimental mouse models, 2018. Paracellular intestinal permeability is mediated by mainly tight junction proteins. Deterioration of tight junction proteins and morphological structure of intestinal epithelium may permit translocation of bacterial end-products (lipopolysaccharides) into the serum. Impaired gut barrier function is related to several disease states. Intestinal epithelium and tight junction proteins are regulated by many factors. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of biliopancreatic secretions and foods on intestinal morphology and microbial flora of rat jejunum. 

Identification of Biopsy Specimens by DNA Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Analysis, 2018.

Not uncommonly, a surgical pathologist faces challenges

regarding interpretation of tissue fragments that morphologically

do not fit to the specimen at hand, known as ‘floaters’. This occurs

as a result of carrying over tissue pieces from one case to another

during specimen grossing and routine technical process in a

pathology laboratory. Also tissue mix-up may pose significant

medical and legal difficulties when mixed tissue contains a

significant lesion or tumor. STR analysis has emerged as the

method of choice for testing to resolve tissue contamination and

mix-up that arise in a pathology laboratory. The aim of this study

is to evaluate the genetic alterations caused by somatic instability

of tumor tissue and the DNA damages caused by formalin on STR


2. The effects of nutrients and gastrointestinal secretions on intestinal integrity of experimental mouse models, 2018. Paracellular intestinal permeability is mediated by mainly tight junction proteins. Deterioration of tight junction proteins and morphological structure of intestinal epithelium may permit translocation of bacterial end-products (lipopolysaccharides) into the serum. Impaired gut barrier function is related to several disease states. Intestinal epithelium and tight junction proteins are regulated by many factors. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of biliopancreatic secretions and foods on intestinal morphology and microbial flora of rat jejunum. 

  • Onurğa Kordunun Clear Cell Ependymoması, Türk Patoloji Cəmiyyətinin İllik Toplantısı, 2015, Bursa, Türkiyə.
  • Kolorektal karsinomalarda şiş yataqlarının sonrakı morfoloji xarakteristikası. 28-ci Avropa Patoloji Cəmiyyəti Konqresi, 2016, Köln, Almaniya.
  • Case Report: Infant ALK Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lemphoma, Türk Patoloji Cəmiyyətinin İllik Toplantısı, 2017, Antalya, Türkiyə.
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